We want you to see the world, life, and your belief through the lens of Jesus and the Scriptures. At Family Life, we say that, "everyone is in process" and that means that even though our lives have similarities, we are all in different places. Because of that, we may need different resources at different times to create space for people, including ourselves, to experience Jesus and follow Him.
This page is designed with you in mind. Continually check back for updated resources whenever you need them.
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Faith & Discipleship

The Navigators is a ministry that shares the gospel of Jesus and helps people grow in their relationship with Him.
Since its founding in 1933, The Navigators has upheld the mission "To know Christ, make Him known, and help others do the same."
If you are interested in growing your faith through studying the Bible, praying, and sharing your faith,  visit the Navigators website for free resources.  You can also check back here to see updates blogs and resources from the Navigators like the one below.

Vocation is Bigger Than Your Job

We are all "called" but what does that mean? How do the various components of your life all fit together?
Take a moment to discover that you are called to God,  to contribute, and to work and how it all fits together with God's plan for your life.


Awesome marriages don't happen by accident.
Awesome Marriage exists to help couples build an awesome marriage by providing real, practical insights on how to have a God-honoring, thriving marriage.  Visit Awesome Marriage to see their blog, subscribe to the podcast, and view additional resources. 

Do you really listen, or just hear? A blog post from Awesome Marriage

If you have read my books or blogs, listened to my podcasts, or  follow me on social media, you know how important I think listening is in a marriage. I do not think you can have an awesome marriage if you do not both listen well to each other.
That is a pretty strong statement but I really believe it is true.

97% of couples that say they communicate well also say they have a good marriage. And if the most important part of communication is listening, then listening well is essential to the health of your marriage. I don’t think listening well comes easy for most of us. We have to first value listening well and then be very intentional to develop that skill.  
Listening is not hearing. When I write I usually have background music playing. Do I hear the music? Yes. Am I really listening to it? No.

I usually know when Nancy is talking to me. Then I have to make a choice. I can choose to hear her, which means that I kinda listen to the words - at least, well enough to know when to nod my head or say something affirmative. I can get by with that, at least for a while, but does it connect us? Does it give us what I want in our marriage? No and no.
When Nancy is talking, I can also choose to listen to her. That means eliminating all distractions as best I can. I look her in the eyes. I focus on what she is saying so I can respond appropriately. That connects us and gives us what we both want in our marriage. It tells her that I love her and what she says is important to me. It goes both ways. She has the same choices. Does she hear or listen?  

What about you and your marriage? Do you really listen, or do you just hear?

For You:
  • How well do you listen to each other today? 
  • Do you listen better today than you did last year? 
  • How do you know if your spouse is listening to you? 
  • How do they know if you are listening to them? 
  • Will you commit to making good communication a priority for your marriage?
Bark is a parental controls company that helps parents protect their children online and in real life.
Bark has a quite of products that families can choose from:
  • Bark Phone
  • Bark Premium & Bark Jr
  • Bark Home
Bark monitors your child's texts, emails, YouTube, and 30+ apps and social media platforms for issues alike cyberbullying, adult content, sexual predators, profanity, suicidal ideation, threats of violence and more.  Parents receive text or email alerts only when something potentially problematic occurs online. You won't have full access to everything on your child's phone - just the things you might need to know about. This saves you countless hours of scrolling through every online interaction your child has while allowing you to build trust and maintain an open line of communication with your child. 
The Parent Cue App partners with our curriculum for children and youth. The purpose of the Parent Cue app is to: 
  • Establish character
  • Develop spiritual habits
  • Strengthen your relationship
You can download the Parent Cue App below and visit the Parent Cue website for additional resources for all things kids, parents, and family.