Through Kingdom Builders, Family Life Church strategically partners with individuals and organizations to create spaces for people to experience Jesus and follow Him—locally, globally, and across cultures.

We accomplish this mission by financially supporting, praying for, and serving alongside our partners in their local communities.
Currently, we have 21 partnerships worldwide. While many are listed below, some remain undisclosed for security reasons due to their work in sensitive areas.

Thank you for your generous giving and faithful prayers—your support makes a lasting impact, building God’s Kingdom and transforming lives both across the street and around the world.

Pat & Suzanne Hurst

Mike & Kari Ness

David & Paula Stanislaus

John & Korie Taylor

Eleah Tercero

Mark & Sunny Rodli

Brent & Bria Colby

Nancy Valnes

Czechia | Europe

Bill & Melissa Chappel

Dan & Danita Taylor

Weston & Allison Stover