Spiritual Gifts Assessment
Spiritual gifts are given to us by the Holy Spirit to help accomplish God's work in this world and in His Church.
Our talents, abilities, and personality traits are natural human resources everyone has. These are not the same as Spiritual gifts, which are given by sovereign choice, by the Holy Spirit, at the time we became Christ-followers. These gifts are supernatural, enabling us to serve God more effectively in the world and in the Church. They come with the power of the Holy Spirit and are therefore "supercharged" when used for the benefit of the Kingdom of God.
The primary sections of Scripture that teach about Spiritual Gifts are Romans 12:3-8, Ephesians 4:11-16, and most extensively, 1 Corinthians 12-14. We have all been given these gifts with a desired purpose in mind and it is our responsibility to use them as intended. When Christ-followers use their different gifts together as a community, amazing things happen.
As you take the test and receive the results, remember what your Rooted workbook reminds us of when we are taking an assessment like this:
"Consider some cautionary directives before you proceed with taking any tests. First, each assessment you take will possibly weigh gifts differently, and therefore, while there may be overlaps, you may also see differences in results. Secondly, these assessments are not intended to pigeonhole you into a specific place of ministry; they are only to identify some of the gifts the Holy Spirit has given you to work toward His purpose for you. "
Below is a link to a Spiritual Gifts test.
The tests will take about 10-15 minutes to complete.
Once you click on the link, follow the prompts to take your test.
For the best results respond to each statement according to who you are, not who you would like to be or think you ought to be. How true are these statements of you? What has been your experience? What do others tell you? To what degree do these statements reflect how you live your life every day? This approach will give you the most accurate results.
Please respond to each statement using the following scale:
1 = Very Inaccurate | 2 = Moderately Inaccurate | 3 = Neither Accurate nor Inaccurate | 4 = Moderately Accurate | 5 = Very Accurate
Our talents, abilities, and personality traits are natural human resources everyone has. These are not the same as Spiritual gifts, which are given by sovereign choice, by the Holy Spirit, at the time we became Christ-followers. These gifts are supernatural, enabling us to serve God more effectively in the world and in the Church. They come with the power of the Holy Spirit and are therefore "supercharged" when used for the benefit of the Kingdom of God.
The primary sections of Scripture that teach about Spiritual Gifts are Romans 12:3-8, Ephesians 4:11-16, and most extensively, 1 Corinthians 12-14. We have all been given these gifts with a desired purpose in mind and it is our responsibility to use them as intended. When Christ-followers use their different gifts together as a community, amazing things happen.
As you take the test and receive the results, remember what your Rooted workbook reminds us of when we are taking an assessment like this:
"Consider some cautionary directives before you proceed with taking any tests. First, each assessment you take will possibly weigh gifts differently, and therefore, while there may be overlaps, you may also see differences in results. Secondly, these assessments are not intended to pigeonhole you into a specific place of ministry; they are only to identify some of the gifts the Holy Spirit has given you to work toward His purpose for you. "
Below is a link to a Spiritual Gifts test.
The tests will take about 10-15 minutes to complete.
Once you click on the link, follow the prompts to take your test.
For the best results respond to each statement according to who you are, not who you would like to be or think you ought to be. How true are these statements of you? What has been your experience? What do others tell you? To what degree do these statements reflect how you live your life every day? This approach will give you the most accurate results.
Please respond to each statement using the following scale:
1 = Very Inaccurate | 2 = Moderately Inaccurate | 3 = Neither Accurate nor Inaccurate | 4 = Moderately Accurate | 5 = Very Accurate